Central American customer reorders pump barrel, plunger, pump fittings

Views: 5     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-11-23      Origin: Site

The Central American customer ordered a batch of pump barrel, plunger and pump accessories in August. After the products were sent out in October, the customer ordered a batch of pump barrel, plunger and pump accessories last week. The specifications of pump barrel are B11-125, B11-150, plunger specifications are P21-125, P21-150, and C14-20, C14-25, G11-20. G11-25, S11-20, S11-25, N11-20, N11-25 and other products. At present, the product has been arranged for production. Despite the difficulties in the arrival of raw materials and the production arrangement due to the impact of the epidemic, we have been taking the delivery of customers' orders on schedule as our top priority, seizing the time to organize production and ensure the delivery of products to customers on schedule with quality and quantity guaranteed.


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