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  • 2023-01-30

    By Jan 30,2023, the future price of light crude oil from New York Mercantile Exchange closed at USD79.17 a barrel. The future price of crude oil from London Brent closed at $85.93 a barrel.
  • 2022-11-21

    By Nov 21,2022, the future price of light crude oil from New York Mercantile Exchange closed at USD79.22a barrel. less $9.43 than Nov 14.2022, the drop rate is 10.64%. The future price of crude oil from London Brent closed at $86.48 a barrel, less $9.27 than Nov 14.2022.the drop rate is 9.68%.
  • 2022-06-13

    By June 13, the future price of light crude oil from New York Mercantile Exchange closed at USD118.81 a barrel, droped by Approx.0.63 % from June 6.2022, The future price of crude oil from London Brent closed at $120.48 a barrel, droped by approx. 0.28% from June 6.2022.


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