Full Recovery Of Product Production

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-03-10      Origin: Site

With the effective control of the new type virus (SARI) in China, our company's production workshop has fully resumed production this week. Although the production capacity has not been fully restored due to the limitation of the number of production personnel, our customers' order has already been arranged for production. Products such as sucker rod pumps, sucker rods, tubing & casings, stuffing box, wellheads, cementing tools and etc. have begun to be delivered to customers. Production capacity is expected to return to previous levels next month.

Although affected by the new type virus (SARI)n, the prices of raw materials in China have risen slightly, but in order to maintain a good cooperative relationship with customers, we will maintain the original prices that have been quoted. We hope that customers who intend to order will maintain effective contact with our company. We will, as always, provide our customers with quality services and competitive products.


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