China's largest oil and gas production of ultra deep oil field exceeded 10 million tons

Views: 5     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-10-13      Origin: Site

As of October 9, THE accumulative OIL AND GAS production OF Fuman Oilfield of Tarim Oilfield Company of PETROCHINA, the largest ultra-deep oil field in China located in the hinterland of Taklimakan Desert, exceeded 10 million tons, including 8.6796 million tons of crude oil and 1.668 billion cubic meters of natural gas, marking a new stage of China's ultra-deep oil and gas development.

Fuman Oilfield, located in the hinterland of Taklimakan desert, is the largest ultra-deep sea facies fault-controlled fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoir in China. This oil and gas reservoir buried deep in 7500 meters to 10,000 meters of super deep, is the largest scale built with deep in 7500 meters and the best development benefit of the oil field.


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