China's first 10,000-meter scientific exploration well, deep-earth Tako 1, has been spudded

Views: 3     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-06-01      Origin: Site

China's first 10,000-meter scientific exploration well, the deep-earth Take 1 well, began drilling Wednesday in the Tarim Oilfield, aiming to explore 10,000-meter deep geological and engineering science theories and provide important foundation and support for China's future scientific research and oil and gas resource development, petrochina learned.

It is introduced that the deep Earth Take 1 well is an important project of "deep Earth Project" exploration in Tarim Oilfield by petrochina. The well is located in Shaya County, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang Province, close to the 1 billion ton super deep Fuman oil and gas area with a depth of 8,000 meters. The well was designed to be drilled to a depth of 11,100 meters and was designed to be drilled and completed in 457 days.

At present, Tarim Oilfield has implemented two trillion cubic meter gas zones, namely Kela-Kesen and Boz-Dabei, and one billion ton oil and gas zone, namely Fuman. 95 Wells over 8,000 meters deep have been successfully drilled in Tarim Oilfield, and more than 1,700 Wells under 6,000 meters deep have been drilled, accounting for more than 80% of the total number of ultra-deep Wells in China, accounting for more than 52% of the total oil and gas production.


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